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Teton County School District

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Biliteracy Pathway and Seal of Biliteracy

TCSD is excited to share information regarding the TCSD #1 Biliteracy Pathway Awards. These awards recognize student achievement in the area of language acquisition and are designed to set a standard for high level biliteracy attainment for students in both our dual language program and traditional world language program. The Seal of Biliteracy is an award bestowed upon students at graduation who demonstrate academic proficiency in English and at least one other language. Teton County joins 46 states across the country who offer the Seal of Biliteracy at the state level and will be awarding the pathway awards at 5th and 8th grade, and the Seal of Biliteracy.

TCSD Biliteracy Pathway Awards

5th Grade Bilteracy Pathway (Application) (Volunteer Log)

8th Grade Biliteracy Pathway (Application) (Volunteer Log)

Wyoming Seal of Biliteracy  (For high school students)
(Requirements are established by the Wyoming Department of Education)


Assessments for Demonstrating Proficiency in English.
Must meet at least one of the following:

Assessment Criteria 
Assessment Minimum Score for Wyoming Seal of Biliteracy Minimum Score for Wyoming Seal with Advanced Distinction
ACT ELA Composite 18 ELA Composite 22
AP English Language & Composition 3 4
AP English Literature 3 4
STAMP 4S Test- Standards-based Measurement of Proficiency (Four-skill Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking Intermediate-Mid (5 in each of the 4 domains) Intermediate-High (6 in each of the 4 domains)


Assessments for Demonstrating Proficiency in World Language.
Must meet at least one of the following. Students must show proficiency in the following four areas of communication: Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing.

Assessment Criteria
Assessement World Language Minimum Score for the Wyoming Seal of Biliteracy Minimum Score for the Wyoming Seal with Advanced Distinction
AP World Language Spanish 3 4
AP World Language & Culture Exam Spanish 3 4
STAMP 4S- Standards-based Measurement of Proficiency Spanish Intermediate-Mid (5 in each of the 4 domains) Intermediate-High (6 in each of the 4 domains)