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Teton County School District

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Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Instruction

History of Our Program


Current Program Model

Expected Outcomes

  1. High levels of proficiency in first and second language (biliteracy and bilingualism). Literacy expectations in English and Spanish

  2. Academic performance at or above grade level.

  3. All students will demonstrate positive cross-cultural attitudes and behaviors.

  • Work collaboratively with people from other backgrounds

  • Develop cross-cultural competencies

  • Understand and value culture

Kindergarten through 5th Grade

TCSD grades 6-8

  • Spanish Language Arts replaces Spanish as an elective for students

  • History in Spanish

  • Zero Hour PE allows students to still access other electives

  • MS planning triangle

TCSD grades 9-12

  • Spanish 4 for 9th grade students

  • US History in Spanish for 9th grade students

  • AP Spanish for 10th grade students (next year)

  • Additional high school courses TBD (ongoing work this year)

  • High School seal of bi-literacy

  • Parent Presentation March, 2017


Why Dual Immersion

1. Second Language Skills: Students achieve high proficiency in the immersion language as opposed to more traditional foreign language programs (see comparison below).


% of Class Time





5-15% (Minimum 75 minutes per week, at least every other day.) Time is spent learning language per se.

To acquire proficiency in listening and speaking (degree of proficiency varies with the program). To acquire an understanding of and appreciation for other cultures. To acquire some proficiency in reading and writing (emphasis varies with the program).

Advantages: * Increases awareness of language study. * Increases awareness of cultures other than the student's own. Considerations: * Students will not meet local proficiency requirements with just this model. * Non-continuous study of a language.



1-5% 1-5% (Time is spent sampling one or more languages and/or learning about language – sometimes taught in English.)

To develop an interest in foreign languages for future language study. To learn basic words and phrases in one or more foreign languages. To develop careful listening skills. To develop cultural awareness. To develop linguistic awareness.

Advantages: * Increases awareness of language study. * Increases awareness of cultures other than the student's own. Considerations: * Students will not meet local proficiency requirements with just this model. * Non-continuous study of a language.



50-90% of class time, depending on model. Time is spent fully immersed in language.

Dual immersion programs include native English-speaking students and native speakers of a foreign language.  The goals of dual immersion programs are to develop bilingualism/biliteracy, academic achievement, and cross-cultural competencies for all students

By the end of 5th grade, all students in the program are proficient in English, proficient in the target language, and at or above grade level academic benchmarks.




2. Performance on Standardized Tests: Immersion students perform as well as or better than non-immersion students on standardized tests in English.

3. Cognitive Skills: Immersion students typically develop greater cognitive flexibility, demonstrating increased attention control, better memory, and superior problem-solving skills as well as an enhanced understanding of their primary language. “Bilingual children as young as seven months can better adjust to environmental changes, while bilingual seniors can experience less cognitive decline.” - The Dana Foundation.  

4. Cultural Competency: Immersion students are more aware of and generally show more positive attitudes towards other cultures & an appreciation of other people.

5. Long Term Benefits: Immersion students are better prepared for the global community and job markets where 21st century skills are an asset.

6. Specific Benefits for English Learner Population:

  • Acquire strong literacy skills in Spanish which can then be applied to the acquisition of English literacy.

  • Make greater progress in acquiring full proficiency in English versus standard English as a Second Language (ESL)programs.

  • Achieve at grade-appropriate levels in all domains of academic study in both Spanish and English.

  • Fully develop proficiency in native language which allows maintenance of communication ties with extended family and other social support networks.