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Teton County School District

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ESSER and COVID Information

2024-2025 School Year

TCSD 2024-2025 Smart Start & In-person Learning Plan

This plan was originally approved by the Board of Trustees on August 11th.  It is updated, reviewed and when changes are made, approved during the Board of Trustee's Regular Meetings.  

ESSER Funding
Teton County School District has received one-time federal funding via the American Rescue Plan to be utilized to support students, staff, education services, and district operations as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The American Rescue Plan was signed into law on March 11, 2021, this is the third federal stimulus bill. Teton County School District was allocated approximately $ 4 million in ESSER III funds as part of the American Rescue Plan. 

Teton County School District’s (TCSD) Safe Reopen Plan/Smart Start Reopening Plan is based on Wyoming Department of Education Smart Start Guidance, Governor’s Public Health Orders, and Teton County Public Health Department

To receive federal ESSER III funding, TCSD must provide an opportunity for public feedback. 

Based on stakeholder input regarding ESSER III funding priorities, TCSD drafted the following presentation that was provided to the community at the January 12th Board of Trustees Meeting.
Presentation (English)

TCSD American Rescue Plan (ARP) Implementation Plan- WDE Template


Teton County School District #1  is seeking feedback on how we spend the funds.  Please take a few minutes to complete
this short survey to provide input on this important topic.  Additionally,

TCSD is required to obtain feedback on our Safe Return to School/Smart Start Plan.  The plan has been presented to the Board each month, with opportunity for public comment on the plan.  In addition to those opportunities we are asking for additional feedback on this short surveyThe Safe Return to School/Smart Start Plan is linked here (Linked here in Spanish) for reference.  

Federal COVID Funding Update (presented during the Board of Trustee's Regular Public Meeting, November 10, 2021)

US Department of Education American Rescue Plan Act- Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ARP-ESSER)